Managing a bull

There are many things to consider when you have a bull, and that includes any bull calves!

While it is not the norm, heifers can start cycling as early as 6 months of age, and bull calves can be viable from the same age. Depending on when you are weaning your calves you may need to separate bull calves and their Mums or weaned bull calves from any heifers or not yet pregnant cows at this time.

Bulls can be very motivated to get out of their paddock if there are girls cycling in the area. A bull paddock needs to be well fenced and as far away from heifers as possible. Additional precautions can include using an electric wire on standoffs along the fence line and across gates and tree belts around the paddock to provide a visual screen. Of course, it won’t stop the neighbours bull from finding a way in, and even with the best of intentions, accidents can happen.

If a bull does get in where he is not wanted, with heifers who are too young to get pregnant, where a calf would be born at the wrong time of year or if it was a large bull where the resultant calf would be too big to be successfully delivered you can do something about it.

Contact your vet and they can prescribe an injection to be administered after 7 days that will abort any potential foetus without affecting your animals future breeding potential.